Planning for transit-oriented developments a City priority A “Tale of Two Cities,” was how Christie Hutchings and Mike West, Lehi City planners, introduced a power point...
Each school receives funds, local parents and educators determine spending Utah has 3.3 million acres of school trust land. These are lands granted at statehood to...
Thanksgiving Point says “no” to road through golf course, Lehi loses millions Lehi City engineers came close to getting final approval and funding for a road...
Couples to be honored for their service at Heritage Day The community is invited to help celebrate ten wonderful couples for their significant contributions to Lehi...
My husband and I moved to Lehi a few months ago from Arizona, and minutes after that last box was unloaded off the moving truck, I...
One day about three years ago, while still in high school, teenager Halston van der Sluys, was putting on his coat and slipped his phone into...
The Kitchen 88 food truck has been a favorite at the weekly round-up on Wednesdays at Wines Park for a few years. Brandon Clark, chef and...
In a Pre-Council discussion on July 10, Lehi City Council members commented on a proposal brought to them by Mayor Mark Johnson concerning purchase of the...
Lehi City recently completed Sage Vista Park, a three-acre park nestled in a new Patterson Homes subdivision at 1398 W. 500 N. in Lehi. A grand...
On Friday, July 1, David Jorgensen was awarded first place in the Business Math and Financial Literacy competition at the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)...
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