City officials travel to San Francisco to present bond for public safety complex
On March 29, 2019, Lehi Mayor Mark Johnson, Finance
Director Dean Lundell, and other City officials traveled to San Francisco to
meet with Standard and Poor’s financial rating service to present plans for the
offering of a $16 million sales tax bond to finance the new public safety complex.
The group presented facts about Lehi City’s financial status
and sales tax revenue bond plans to the bond adjudicators. “Dean was awesome,”
said Johnson. “His knowledge and expertise were evident as the meetings we
attended in the two-day marathon were concluded,” added Johnson.
Lehi City Finance Director Dean Lundell (left), with Alyson Alger, Treasurer, Karma Bentson, Assistant Finance Director, and Mayor Mark Johnson traveled to San Francisco to present plans for a $16 million sales tax bond to fund the new public safety complex. | Sally F. Francom
“We were thrilled to find out that our bond rating had
gone from AA- to AA+. The improvement in our bond rating will save Lehi
residents about $250,000 over the 10-year life of the bond,” said Lundell.
According to the report from Standard and Poor’s, “The
raised ratings reflect our view of the application of our priority-lien debt
criteria, which factor in both the strength and stability of the pledged
revenue, as well as the general credit quality of the municipality where taxes
are distributed and collected.
ratings reflect our view of:
strong to very strong economic base that is anchored by a growing technology
industry that has contributed to the overall growth in the local economy in
recent years.
in the city’s sales tax revenue consistent with the state’s economic recovery,
leading to very strong maximum annual debt service (MADS) coverage level.
city’s good additional bonds test and dependence on pledged revenue for general
operations, which reduces the likelihood that the city will issue additional debt
to the fullest extent of additional bonds test (ABT).”
Other criteria listed in the report were the strong to
very strong economic fundamentals in Utah, which has a broad and diverse
population, estimated at 3.1 million. The state’s low unemployment rate,
estimated at only 3%, factored into the decision as well.
The report also noted that revenue volatility within
the Lehi is low and Lehi City’s pledged sales tax revenue has increased by a
total of about 24% during the past three fiscal years.
According to the report, “The city’s budgetary
performance is strong in our view which reflects both increasing sales tax
revenue and stable property tax revenue as well as the city’s current
expectation maintaining balanced operations at a minimum within its general
fund during the next two years. The city has also maintained very strong
reserve levels which we expect will continue for the foreseeable future.”
“Our financial team
of Lundell, Karma Bentson, Assistant Finance Director, and Alyson Alger, Treasurer,
were fantastic,” said Johnson.