The Skyridge baseball team continued to struggle with the tough Region 4 lineup but ended the regular season on a four-game winning streak, including an exciting victory over...
“The impossible dream isn’t so impossible anymore,” said Savannah Carrasco at the annual Utah High School Musical Theatre (UHSMT) Awards ceremony on Saturday, May 7, at Eccles Theatre...
The Skyridge softball team finished the Region 4 season undefeated and secured the crown with an 8-0 record. They lost three non-region contests in the past two weeks...
The Skyridge softball team extended the win streak into double digits with four more overwhelming Region 4 victories and a non-region triumph coming into this week. The Falcons are 14-2 overall and...
Bret and Janys Hutchings recently announced their retirement from owning and operating Lehi’s Hutch’s Furniture and Appliance store. Hutch’s has been in the Hutchings family since 1946 when Harold...
The Skyridge High School drama team has been plotting last week’s State Championship win since last year. Last Friday at Riverton High School, the Falcon team dominated and brought...
The Lehi City 2023 fiscal year will start on July 1, and Lehi Mayor Mark Johnson presented his initial budget to the City Council on Tuesday. The Mayor’s 2023 total proposed City budget...
Former Pioneer coach and player Bob Barnes was selected to receive this year’s Lehi Legacy award because of his many years of service and contributions to the Lehi boys basketball program....
On Friday, April 1, Lehi City Councilwoman Katie Koivisto and a group of children walked through a construction zone in Holbrook Farms, which was barricaded and marked as...
Nicole Kunze & Donna Barnes | Lehi Free Press Three Lehi teachers and one head custodian were interrupted at work last week with a gift basket and banner honoring...
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