Lehi High School softball pitcher Lexi Butterfield and LHS
Baseball pitcher Hayden Jacobson had a memorable week- both throwing a rare no-hitter
game. The lady Pioneers beat Orem 10-0, and the LHS Baseball team beat Salem
Hills 3-0.
Amber Heaton’s daughter plays first base for the Pioneers
and said Butterfield wasn’t aware she was pitching a no-hitter until near the
end of the game. “She was totally into the game, doing her thing. It wasn’t
until her dad came out of the dugout just ecstatic that she realized something
might have been different,” Heaton said.
Codi Butterfield, Lexi’s mom, described the moment Lexi
caught on to what was happening. “When I watched my husband, her dad, do the
Toyota Jump, and her face watching him, she realized ‘I think I just pitched a
no-no!’ I had tears in my eyes. She’s amazing.”
Butterfield was just shy of a perfect game, allowing a
single walk. Heaton said the girls celebrated with cheers, hugs, and
high-fives. “It didn’t really hit Lexi until later how amazing that
accomplishment was,” she said. Even college athletes can go their entire career
and never throw a no-hitter. “She works hard,” Heaton said. “She deserves this
Lehi High School’s Lexi Butterfield winds up a pitch at a recent game. | Willie Nielsen
Lehi Pioneer Baseball Coach, Curtis Jacobsen, said Hayden
Jacobson’s work in the offseason is paying off and the no-hitter is a great
accomplishment for him. “He was at all voluntary summer workouts and has been
working hard all year to be ready for this spring,” said the coach.
Coach Jacobsen said a no-hitter is a big deal when facing a
good team like Salem Hills. “[Salem Hills] came into our series on fire and putting
up some really good offensive numbers, so to no-hit a team like that, it’s a
big deal.”
Around the fifth inning, Coach Jacobsen said the
team was starting to whisper, but they had to keep their cool. “As you know in
baseball, we don’t talk about it and keep grinding as usual,” he said. Jacobsen
added other teammates made nice plays and the whole team wanted that win. “And
that’s how everyone played,” he said.