Melani Boren, drama teacher at Lehi Junior High, has revived and improved an adaptation of “Peter Pan” she co-wrote with her sister, Jessica B. Higginbotham, seven...
“Did you see that last second Westbrook shot? I thought they had the game won with the three pointer of Hayward’s.” Jazz basketball is the common...
Feeling down in January may not just be post-holiday blues. It could be a form of depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorders or “SAD.” This is...
The raised garden beds at Thanksgiving Point’s Farm Country are under six inches of snow right now, but the Junior Master Gardener 4-H Club, part of...
Perfect Women. One of the topics where I feel most helpless. We all know there is no such thing as a perfect woman. We all know...
On January 17, the Lehi Boys’ Basketball team traveled to Herriman High School to take on the Mustangs. It was a close match up for most...
On Friday, January 20, the Skyridge boys basketball team played Provo High School at Skyridge in the Main Gym at 7 p.m. In an intense battle...
It’s that time of year when Girl Scouts in badge be-decked green vests show up on our doorsteps and social media feeds to remind us it’s...
In August of 2016, Thanksgiving Point hosted the Utah Renaissance Faire, with some very special guests in attendance. During the Faire, Nickelodeon Television Network taped a...
The Lehi Legacy Center had its annual Health Fair last Saturday, January 21. It’s the one time of year that Legacy Center memberships are discounted 20%,...
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