Lehi residents Tyson and Hayley Henderson were recently on a television show called “The Steve Harvey Show,” where Tyson was one of three men competing for...
In January, over 7821 Lehi residents received a survey via email. 1,816 responded to the survey and a summary of the survey is provided. Detailed results...
Lehi’s state legislators watched their sponsored bills make progress through the legislature this week, including an “equal pay for equal work” bill by Senator Jake Anderegg,...
With one game left in regular season play, the Skyridge Falcons got their revenge. The Falcons lost to Alta in an earlier season game and needed...
Jim Smith and Woody Berry surveyed what was left after a fire burned the lodge at their families’ co-owned 2000-acre, upland bird hunting reserve, north and...
In a project partially funded by UDOT, Lehi City has begun an aggressive public works project to improve the Waste Ditch water system in the 600...
You’ve heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day…well I’m here to tell you the same thing. Why? There are a lot of...
I’m a pretty mediocre guitar player. I console and encourage myself that I’m better than the 5 billion people on earth who DON’T play guitar. Weak,...
When Isaiah Allen was little, he received a new pair of shoes. “These will make me run fast,” Isaiah said at the time. Little did he...
The intersection of 2600 North and Center Street is a busy one these days. Elementary students heading to Eaglecrest Elementary and Skyridge High School are walking...
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